Welcome to my site!

Alan Zhan

CS and Business | Northeastern University NEU



About Me



I'm a student at Northeastern University pursuing a Bachelors in Computer Science and Business Administration .

Ever since I discovered Scratch in middle school, I've been hooked into the field of Computer Science. I've always been fascinated by the inner workings of algorithms and I'm drawn to complicated problems.

Aside from my studies, I enjoy reading, baking, skating, mountain biking, hiking, and watching movies.



Music database Webapp

A webapp that performs CRUD operations on a music database. Created using React, Mysql, and axios

Personal Website

The site that you're currently on. Created with Vitejs, threejs, and Blender

Java Image Processor

An image editor that can manipulate and save images. This was made for my Object Oriented Design class. Created with Java and Swing.

Disease Simulation (Charterhacks Hackathon Winning Submission)

A website that has a simulation of disease spread with changable variables. I worked on most of the GUI as well as the Graph displaying the disease spread.

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